Download stable version

Latest stable version is: 0.9.0. Check the Changelog for more information

It can be downloaded from SourceForge's file distribution system.

The following main dependent libraries will also be needed:

  • commons-configuration 1.1
  • commons-collections 3.1
  • commons-lang 2.0
  • dom4j 1.4
  • commons-logging 1.0.4
  • commons-digester 1.6
  • commons-beanutils (core and collections) 1.7.0
To use the JMX features the following extra libraries are needed:
  • mx4j-jmx 2.1.1
  • mx4j-impl 2.1.1

Maven users

Maven users can set a dependency on EasyConf if they have ibiblio on their sites list. Here is an example of the dependency XML that you could use:


All the dependant libraries can also be obtained from ibiblio. Here is the XML that you should add for those that are completely necessary:









<!-- The following are needed only for the JMX functionality -->


You'll also need an XML parser. For example you can set a dependency on Xerces:


EasyConf uses commons-logging to log output. You can set a dependency on log4j if you want to use it as the logger:
