Class ComponentConfiguration

  extended bycom.germinus.easyconf.ComponentConfiguration

public class ComponentConfiguration
extends java.lang.Object

Contains the configuration of an EasyConf component including properties configuration and an object graph configuration.

$Revision: 1.9 $
Jorge Ferrer

Constructor Summary
ComponentConfiguration(java.lang.String componentName)
ComponentConfiguration(java.lang.String companyId, java.lang.String componentName)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
 java.lang.String getComponentName()
          Get the name of the component which is associated with this configuration
 java.lang.Object getConfigurationObject()
          Get an object which represents the configuration of the given component The object is populated using the digester rules defined in the file componentName.digesterRules.xml which must be found in the classpath (first it is searched in the context of the current thread and then in the context of the system classpath)
 ComponentProperties getProperties()
          Get a typed map of the properties associated with this component
 int hashCode()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ComponentConfiguration(java.lang.String componentName)


public ComponentConfiguration(java.lang.String companyId,
                              java.lang.String componentName)
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getComponentName()
Get the name of the component which is associated with this configuration


public java.lang.Object getConfigurationObject()
Get an object which represents the configuration of the given component The object is populated using the digester rules defined in the file componentName.digesterRules.xml which must be found in the classpath (first it is searched in the context of the current thread and then in the context of the system classpath)

ConfigurationException - if the object graph cannot be read


public ComponentProperties getProperties()
Get a typed map of the properties associated with this component


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)


public int hashCode()

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